Gregg Cormie

Hailing from Vancouver Island, I was first introduced to the outdoors by my loving parents. My youth and teens are filled with memories of kayak and hiking trips. While in university I discovered my love for whitewater sports. It was at this time I realized that in order to have a full and rich life, I needed to spend as much time outdoors, and preferably on a river.

In 2006 I took my first raft guiding course. Since then, I have been exploring rivers throughout Canada and the United States. White water rafting is an amazing activity because it offers so many opportunities. It allows you to travel to places few people can access and enjoy all the comforts of home (mostly).

Currently, my winters are spent employed by the Outdoor Recreation department at Vancouver Island University and the Adventure Guiding program at North Island College on Vancouver Island. In 2019, I hit the jackpot and had the chance to work with Canadian River Adventures on the Alsek River. This experience was outstanding and only fueled my love for the North.

When not in a raft, I can be found with my family hiking and skiing in our local Vancouver Island mountains.