Paddle the Peel Watershed: An Epic Adventure Awaits

Immerse Yourself in a World of Wild Rivers, Towering Mountains, and Pristine Wilderness

Explore the Wonders of the Peel Watershed: Unforgettable River Journeys in Canada's Yukon Territory

Welcome to the Peel Watershed, a globally renowned wilderness area located in the Yukon Territory of Canada. Spanning over 68,000 square kilometers, the Peel Watershed is one of the largest intact ecosystems in North America and is home to an abundance of wildlife, including grizzly bears, wolves, caribou, and Dall sheep. The region's towering mountains, pristine rivers, and stunning valleys offer breathtaking vistas and unparalleled opportunities for outdoor adventure. Join us on a guided journey through this ecologically significant land and experience the beauty and wonder of the Peel Watershed for yourself.


Experience the Untamed Beauty of the Wind and Snake Rivers in the Heart of the Yukon

The Peel Watershed offers a pristine and awe-inspiring landscape that invites adventurers to connect with nature on an intimate level. Our meticulously designed canoe and raft expeditions on the Wind and Snake Rivers provide the opportunity to experience the world as it once was, surrounded by striking mountain ranges, colorful geological formations, and vibrant wildlife. With the guidance of our experienced and passionate team, you’ll explore the unspoiled beauty of the Peel Watershed and create memories to last a lifetime.

Why Choose Us?

We understand our guests are looking for a once in a lifetime experience, with a treasure trove of great stories to take home.  Our job to make that happen, and we take that responsibility seriously – without cutting corners. Words like average and good enough just aren’t in our vocabulary. All of our efforts add up to the best experience and greatest value.

Our reputation speaks for itself

More than 40% of our guests each year are repeat guests or were referred by a past traveler.

"This was the adventure of a lifetime. From start to finish, from desk to raft, the personnel and organization were flawless; this is particularly impressive given the complexity of the enterprise. I am left with the sense that everyone in the outfit, the guides in particular, were genuinely motivated to provide us with a rich and memorable experience. The Nahanni is beyond beautiful and Nahanni River Adventures has given us a genuine gift in immersing us in it in this fashion. Thanks!"
Richard Condit
"The integrity of the guides, is unparalleled; their ability to guide us down the river and then become gracious chefs, make amazing meals is remarkable. After a great day on the river, sitting at our camp site, gazing at spectacular scenery and enjoying sumptuous meals made for one of our best trips EVER."
Louise Klatzel-Mudry
"Every part of this river trip met and exceeded my expectations! From the beautiful Alsek river and surrounding land, to the guides who were so open to sharing their knowledge of the area and their fantastic cooking, to the other guests who where so helpful and open. As a single person wanting to travel and explore the Yukon and all its beauty I can’t recommend this trip enough. It was beautiful in every way!"
Laura Ringer

What you can expect from us

What sets us apart from other adventure companies? Passion, expertise and – most importantly – attention to the special details. 

Low ratio of guides to guest

Experience has taught us that one of the most important factors for a high-quality and safe adventure is the ratio of staff to guests – we operate with one guide per four guests maximum.


The north is not a mass-market destination ­– thank goodness! It’s not the cheapest region to visit, but the experiences found here are like nothing else in the world.


It’s our goal to have the most consistently knowledgeable staff in areas of local interpretation, such as: Flora and fauna, Geology and geomorphology, Human history, Unique details, stories, features of each region.

Safe travels

We maintain the highest standards for river safety and we are proud to have a reputation for excellence in this area. We employ comprehensive and well-rehearsed emergency procedures and trip contingency planning in line with wilderness camping experiences.

Your Experience

Imagine the “land of the midnight sun”, a country of diverse land forms, wild flowers and new delights to the eye, every day. Imagine rivers that flow through these lands in a sinuous manner, serving as a conveyor to move you from one delightful experience to the next. Imagine rewarding hikes, with a range of distances to choose, to pick the one that’s right for you.

Your adventure begins before you even make it to the river

After meeting your guides and fellow travellers at the rendezvous point, you will make your way to the river. This usually requires a charter aircraft to fly in, out or both. The flights take you over truly spectacular wilderness. Have your camera handy for the flight!

Relax, you’re in great hands

Our talented wilderness guides deliver our trips with an authenticity that mirrors the unspoiled wilderness we travel through. Their passion for living, learning and teaching regional geology, wildlife and history is matched only by their sense of adventure, paddling skills, and leadership acumen.

Each day of your river journey will be memorable and will inspire stories to tell your friends for years to come.

Your time on the river each day will vary, leaving plenty of time for other pursuits such as hiking, fishing, and photography. Many trips have one or more “lay-over” days when we stay put and enjoy camping two nights in a particular spot.

You’ll be fed meal after meal of impossibly fresh food, all prepared with a portable camp kitchen and open fire.

The crowning touch of our river journeys are the meals. Forget those old images of freeze dried backpackers fare. At the end of an active day in the fresh mountain air, you deserve to be rewarded by the aroma and taste of a great meal with fresh ingredients, perhaps with a wine you selected. You’ll be continually amazed at the variety and quality of the meals.

You'll have opportunities to view northern wildlife and plants

The North is rich with some of the most abundant and diverse plant and wildlife anywhere in the world. Each of our river adventures is scheduled to allow for maximum opportunities to see the plants & wildlife of that particular area.

Frequently Asked Questions

No question is too small when planning for a northern river adventure. If you don’t find the answers you need here, please contact us any time.

We have structured our expeditions to allow personal time and lots of time to hike and explore the area we are travelling through. Travel days on the river can be anywhere from a short day of 2 hours to an occasional long day of 8 hours, depending on the location of the next campsite, river levels and weather conditions. We plan frequent shore breaks. Many trips have one or more “lay-over” days when we stay put and enjoy camping two nights in iconic spots. Typically layover campsites are chosen for their spectacular scenery and / or hiking opportunities.

We like to get our groups on the river fairly early each day, usually by about 10 am, to allow us to make the most of the day and give plenty of time to stop to watch wildlife, do a short hike or allow us to photograph or explore around camp during the evenings.

You are welcome to participate with in-camp chores and routine, but this is totally optional (Remember this is your holiday, the guides are along to work). Pick the role that will be most enjoyable for you. If at any time you are puzzled about expectations, feel free to ask one of your guides. They are very approachable and would rather clarify your questions than have you wondering. 

For early risers, coffee (roasted in the North!) is usually brewed at 7am. You may keep yourself busy by seeking out panoramic photographs or pursuing other personal interestsreading, journaling, art or enjoying the reference materials in our library as you discover the flora and fauna around you. Getting up, preparing and eating breakfast, making plans for the day, striking camp and loading the boats is a process that usually takes about three hours. If the camp is a “two nighter”, we have a relaxed start, things are tidied up and we enjoy the highlights of that particular spot. Please see your specific trip itinerary for layover days.

Evenings are usually unstructured. A campfire, fishing, enjoying the midnight sun (June and July) or countless other activities may occupy the time. Except for short forays within the vicinity of camp, travelling alone out of sight of camp is discouraged for safety reasons.

We have structured our expeditions to allow lots of time to hike and explore the areas we are travelling through. “Travel days” can be anywhere from 2 to 7 hours long. There is usually a shore break every hour. We like to get on the river fairly early each day, usually by about 10 am to give us time to stop during the day to watch wildlife or do a short hike or to allow us plenty of time to photograph or explore around camp at night. All our longer expeditions have at least 3 layover days for hiking (see the individual itinerary for specific details).

We have three guidelines for our nutritious and delicious food selection: quality, quantity and variety. If you have special needs or desire a copy of our detailed meal descriptions, please let us know. With advanced notice (90 days’ minimum) we can accommodate most special dietary requirements. Snacks and treats are provided but if you have any special favourites, feel free to bring some along!

We take great pleasure in delivering the best selection possible and appropriate in these remote and beautiful settings. Over twenty years of practice has allowed us to fine tune our menu to ensure we achieve our measurement of success: we call it the “wow” factor. Our menu includes high quality meats and cheese, abundant salads and plenty of fresh fruit.

One of the highlights of travelling to an exotic location is the opportunity to sample local foods. If this interests you, we have some exciting local dishes to try. We serve these selections as appetizers, so that the choice is yours and they are separate from the main meal.  Local specialities may include Arctic char, Taku River salmon, caribou and more!

We are proud of our tremendous staff. Some  have guided with us for over two decades. They continue to return each season because of their sincere love for their work and the places it takes them. As the premier Northern outfitter, we naturally attract the best guides.  Our guides are friendly, knowledgeable, hard working, highly skilled women and men who love the North and enjoy sharing its beauty and secrets with others. All our guides are highly qualified and certified and the fact that we are viewed by other operators and National Parks as the “standard to aim for” perhaps says it best.

A number of them are trainers and examiners in fields including paddling, rescue, first aid and interpretation. In the off season, these people are often upgrading the staff of other operators and National Parks. Junior guides come to us through our demanding practicum program that serves to ensure we employ only the “cream of the crop”. Entry requirements are high and the program yields an exceptional Northern river guide. We have little turn over, with most guides returning year after year – along with returning guests!

We welcome guests of all experience levels on our raft expeditions!

These expeditions are designed for people of any skill level, including complete beginners. Some raft trips offer canoeing as an option. In this case, the canoeing prerequisites apply and must be met.

For our canoe expeditions, selecting an appropriate trip for your skill level is critical to both the safety and enjoyment of your time on the river.

Tandem canoe trips are much more skill specific and careful thought must be applied to assessing your canoe skill level (see below). On some sections of rivers we can implement our “canyon rig strategy”. Above the rapids, we catamaran the canoes together in pairs, meaning you can enjoy greater stability while going for the bigger waves. We then disassemble the rigs in calmer waters and you can canoe as normal.

The following are the considerations for each canoe trip:

Yukon River canoe
You have canoed previously and know the rudimentary strokes: bow, reverse, “j”, draw, pry and sweep. You are comfortable paddling in the bow and working with another partner or you have river reading skills and can control the canoe from the stern while working with another partner.

Stikine, Wind canoe
You have mastered the skills above. You have taken an introductory river canoeing course and have experience paddling on Grade II rivers. In addition you have river reading skills and can work effectively with a partner to side slip and back ferry to move the canoe laterally in Grade II water with precision. You can comfortably apply these skills to navigating tight bends and avoiding log jams. You have swum through a rapid with a capsized canoe.

Nahanni 2 week, Nahanni 3 week hiking, or canoeing on a 8 or 12 day Nahanni trip, Coppermine canoe
You possess the skills above and have completed a whitewater canoe course. You have swum through a rapid with a capsized canoe. You are able to read Grade III water and quickly formulate strategies while working with a partner to navigate. Unless you opt for the canyon rig strategy for the main rapids you match the following description:

At least once a year for the two previous seasons or more, you paddle Grade II/III whitewater with friends or a canoe club. You are committed to at least one “warm up” trip or course prior to the planned trip this season. We can modify these requirements by the use of “canyon rigs” for the rapids but this must be discussed with us before booking.

Moose Ponds, Mountain River Canoe, Snake River
You possess the abilities and judgment level above and have a more extensive “whitewater” background. For the last 3 years or more you have paddled Grade III whitewater at least 3 times per year and enjoy practicing technical moves. You are committed to at least one “warm up” trip or course prior to the planned trip this season.

Canyon Rig Description
On some rivers we have an alternative approach that can modify these requirement with the use of our “canyon rig” strategy. Above the rapids, we can catamaran the canoes together in pairs, which means you can enjoy greater stability while going for the biggest waves. In the flatter sections we disassemble the rigs and canoe conventionally.

What if I am a whitewater kayaker and have not canoed previously?
If this is the case, please contact us directly and we can discuss your background in relation to the trip you are considering. Are You a Whitewater Paddler? Have you swum through a long rapid with a flipped canoe?

If not, you have yet to earn your stripes as a whitewater canoeist. Take a whitewater course and practice whitewater recovery skills before your trip.

Canoes and “swimming”

Only on a rare occasion will a participant fall out of a raft. On the other hand, tipping a canoe and “going for a swim” is considered an integral part of “canoe sport”. One or more canoes flipped at any time is a normal event and is not considered an “emergency” or “incident”. The group simply recovers the swimmers and boats. When all is secure, the group continues down the river. It’s part of the fun.

In class II and greater rapids, a neoprene wet suit or fabric dry suit is mandatory. On the other rivers many will opt for the neoprene wet suit although some paddlers (with strong internal “furnaces”) will opt for rain gear worn over polypropylene and fleece on the whitewater days. Feel free to consult with us for more information specific to the river you have selected. Due to the use of spray covers, helmets are mandatory on the Moose Ponds, and recommended on the Mountain River canoe, Snake and Burnside canoe trips.

Yes! Our raft adventures require no experience and anyone in good health can join us.  Prior experience is required for our canoe expeditions but there is not an age limit.  We have had every age from 5 to 85 on our expeditions over the last 30 years. We are prepared and willing to help those who cannot carry heavy loads, etc. However we believe part of our responsibility is helping ensure you have the most enjoyable experience possible and are happy to discuss what adventure is most appropriate for you.  Please get in touch directly with our office to learn more.

We believe in showing you all aspects of the areas we are travelling in and not just “the river banks”. To achieve this we have scheduled all our adventures to allow plenty of time for hiking, exploring, photography or just relaxing. We try to include as much hiking as possible – these range from short 1 or 2 hour walks from our canoes or rafts to all day hikes from the camp. With a minimum of two guides along and often three or four, we are able to offer different options to suit every pace and endurance level including skipping the hikes to relax in camp. 

All canoe participants should be healthy, reasonably fit and comfortable in and around water. Our raft expeditions have no exceptional requirements. Previous experience is not a requirement for many of the journeys. The individual itineraries have specific comments in this regard.

On all expeditions, we provide many hiking opportunities from one hour to all day. Participation is entirely up to you – you can lead the group, go only part way, go for a short stroll or choose to relax in camp and read a book. All participants are required to fill out a medical form for their own health and safety. We require a doctor’s note for guests who are over 80 years old.

A good general level of fitness is recommended; the trip will be much more enjoyable if you are in good physical condition. Most hiking will not be overly strenuous but we will be walking up and down hills, often on unstable ground such as narrow trails with rocks or scree. We recommend regular exercise prior to the trip such as walking, swimming, or participating in a fitness program.

Various trips place different demands upon guest participation. Here is an explanation of the differences:

  • 2-Person Canoes
    The traditional 16’ and 17’ canoe. Previous canoe experience is an asset. Physical fitness and comfort on and in moving water are important. Refer to the specific trip itinerary for additional skills that may be required for your trip.
  • Raft
    The safe and stable expedition raft is ideal for those who desire their hands free to photograph or travel in a more relaxed fashion. The guide maneuvers the raft with oars and paddling by participants is completely optional.
  • Inflatable Kayaks and PackraftsPackrafts and Inflatable kayaks are available on our Nahanni raft trips.  Both of these crafts are very accessible regardless of paddling experience and are a lot of fun on the whitewater and calm water.  These crafts allow you the chance to experience the river on your own terms with the option to return to the raft ‘mother ship’ at any time. Please inquire with our Expedition Planning Team for more details.

On our combination raft and canoe journeys a tandem canoe may be arranged.

Note: There is a $280.00/person flight surcharge for the tandem canoe. Inflatable kayaks and packrafts are also subject to rental charges reflecting the extra weight for our charter flights.

We offer expeditions to suit almost every interest – from week-long trips for those with limited time to 3 week long expeditions for the experienced paddler. Our trips are river based and allow you to explore majestic areas with unique cultural significance, flora and wildlife. With our options of different craft and challenge levels there is a choice for every level of adventurer. All of the trips include some hiking and some allow plenty of opportunities to explore what lies off the river. You can find out more about each of our rivers, with detailed itineraries for each expedition, on this website.  We have a dedicated Expedition Planning team who is available to support you with your planning and is happy to answer any questions you may have.  Reach out anytime by phone or send an email to !

Welcome to the Land of the Midnight Sun; a country of diverse landforms, abundant and diverse vegetation and new delights to the eye, every day. Flowing across these lands are the rivers, the veins of the Earth, lifelines to the ecosystems they support. Imagine paddling through these majestic landscapes as a humble visitor and hiking to awe-inspiring viewpoints, to be rewarded each day with delicious, high quality meals freshly prepared by our guides.

You will be accompanied by your knowledgeable guides who share their passion for the area, and with them you unfold the mysteries and experience the beauty of the North. You will wake up each morning to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, safe in the knowledge that the adventures of the day to come will provide you with stories to inspire your friends and family for years to come. 

You may be one who prefers to be challenged physically or you may be looking for a peaceful natural retreat experience – we can help you find a trip option to meet your desires. You can be certain that our goal is to begin working together with you now to plan a holiday that will meet and exceed your expectations in as many ways as possible and be one of those “trips of a lifetime” that we all dream of. Our years of experience tell us that you will return home refreshed, revitalized and already planning your next adventure!

Welcome to the Land of the Midnight Sun; a country of diverse landforms, abundant and diverse vegetation and new delights to the eye, every day. Flowing across these lands are the rivers, the veins of the Earth, lifelines to the ecosystems they support. Imagine paddling through these majestic landscapes as a humble visitor and hiking to awe-inspiring viewpoints, to be rewarded each day with delicious, high quality meals freshly prepared by our guides.

You will be accompanied by your knowledgeable guides who share their passion for the area, and with them you unfold the mysteries and experience the beauty of the North. You will wake up each morning to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, safe in the knowledge that the adventures of the day to come will provide you with stories to inspire your friends and family for years to come. 

You may be one who prefers to be challenged physically or you may be looking for a peaceful natural retreat experience – we can help you find a trip option to meet your desires. You can be certain that our goal is to begin working together with you now to plan a holiday that will meet and exceed your expectations in as many ways as possible and be one of those “trips of a lifetime” that we all dream of. Our years of experience tell us that you will return home refreshed, revitalized and already planning your next adventure!

The majority of people who come with us are from North America, but it is not uncommon to have folks join us from further afield . We have welcomed guests  from most countries in Europe as well as South Africa, Australia and Asia. Most share the common goal of a strong interest in the outdoors and nature and enjoy meeting and making new friends. 

They come alone, in couples, as a family or in groups of friends. They range from 8 to over 80 years of age. On our regular trips we keep our guide to guest ratio 1:4 and we always provide a minimum of two guides.  Another example of our commitment to providing this highest quality of experience to our guests.

Custom trips may have a lower ratio at an additional cost. The number of participants on any expedition is governed by the parks we travel through. It ranges from 12 to 20 guests plus guides. Feel free to inquire about the number of guests on your trip or discuss any concerns you may have with our Expedition Planning Team.

Our detailed, well organized itineraries and our experienced guides ensure the daily flow will feel seamless.

We work hard to ensure you receive the greatest value from your experience with us. This is your trip of a lifetime, so that’s how we treat it.

We have earned a reputation as the best river outfitter in the North and there are some good reasons for this. We have chosen to set the highest bar, and refuse to cut corners.

The north is not a mass market destination – thank goodness! The experiences found here are like nothing else in the world. Visitors come from across the world to experience something North of ordinary; pristine wilderness, fascinating history, and of course Northern hospitality. Our prized rivers are remote and require charter aircraft to fly in, out or both; this is our single biggest expense. Operating in such remote regions with a short season, brings expenses not encountered elsewhere – but the results are priceless. We – and many of our previous guests will attest – that the memories made on our river journey far exceed any price tag.

We continue to survey our guests every year to determine what they value on these trips and we plan our programs accordingly. You can be certain that, for Northern river expeditions, day for day, kilometer for kilometer, guide for guide – you get what you pay for. 

What sets us apart as the best? What are the most important factors? Most companies will have good gear, good food and a reasonable itinerary on paper. So why choose us? 

Our guests seek the richest experiences and want to bring home the best stories. We design our itineraries to maximize your time in these amazing destinations which will grant you indelible memories and riveting stories for family and friends .

Experience has taught us that the most important factors are the guides and the ratio of staff to participants (1-4 max.). Even the best guides can only be in one place at one time and this is not an area in which to compromise. You are making an important investment in this special trip, you deserve the best from your guides and they can only provide this if they are not “spread too thin”.

We have the greatest retention of staff in the North, with some having served us for 30 years.On average, our guides have worked with us for over 10 years. We also prioritise the support that the guests and staff receive before, during and after the season, both “up front” and “behind the scenes”. This directly effects the quality of your experience and most importantly, safety. We are proud to say that we shine in this area.

In addition, we commit to the goal of having the most “consistently” knowledgeable staff in the areas of local interpretation such as flora, fauna, geology, geomorphology, human history, and unique details pertinent to the area. On our trips we bring an extensive library of reference material. One individual guide cannot have all of this information memorized, so the realistic role of a guide is to work with you to uncover the beautiful details  and hidden gems of the watershed you find yourself paddling through.

We are confident that in the areas where we operate, we are leaders in consistently maintaining these standards. It begins with the depth and breadth of information you see here, and continues with our communications, information and attention to detail throughout your trip and even long after you have returned home.

We welcome any questions you may have on this topic. This is a very special trip for you. You will likely not travel the same river a second time, so you want to do it right. We understand this and that is why we set our standards as high as we do.

We will provide you with the richest experiences possible, from initial enquiry and early communications, to your journey of discovery through the North to post-expedition follow up.

It’s not surprising that most of our guests return to explore another river with us. After all, we are the premier Northern river outfitter and this is the Magnetic North!

Request a Catalogue

Since 1972  we have sought out the best experiences the north has to offer and have perfected vacations that are truly one of a kind. We offer 25 different itineraries on 15 wilderness rivers across Northern Canada and Alaska.

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