My love for water began as a kiddo growing up on Lake Temagami. My folks built cedar canvas canoes for a living and I don’t remember a time when paddling wasn’t a part of my life. Each summer I would spend 6 weeks paddling and portaging through the Temagami wilderness. It instilled a deep appreciation for time spent living simply outside.
With a vision of finding meaningful work in the outdoors, I moved to BC in 2012 for a program focussing on guiding and adventure tourism. In the west, I fell in love with rivers and with paddling, swimming, and rowing them.
Now, I spend my springs teaching swift-water rescue and rafting in that same guiding program and spend my summers rowing down the Alsek, Tatshenshini, Nahanni and Firth rivers.
In the winters (when I’m not chasing rivers in warmer climates) I work with Canadian River Expeditions and Nahanni River Adventures as part of their Expedition Planning Team and run my small metal smithing business.
I live for the northern summers and the chance to share these extraordinary river corridors with passionate and curious people.