Growing up in Ontario, canoe tripping and spending time in the water was the summer pass time. My Nana would tell me stories of her trips on the Hood and Thelon rivers as I would flip through her photo books. My imagination ran wild, picturing what it would feel like to watch herds of Caribou, and pull fresh fish from the depths of a northern river. My first time in the north I was 14 years old on a school trip. I fell in love with the wild northern atmosphere and the true disconnect from the outside world. Moving out to BC I completed a diploma in Adventure Studies and raft guided on the Fraser river until making my way up north. I am now going into my third season working on the Nahanni and its tributaries. I am so thankful to be spending my summers in such a beautiful and one of a kind landscape with some of the best coworkers I could ask for. Outside of river guiding I fill my time with skiing and adventuring, where I surround myself with like minded friends in the beautiful province of British Columbia! My love for expeditions, the cultural history, and the people I get to share my passion with keeps me patiently waiting, excited for the start of the northern guiding season. This fall I travelled back to my hometowns, Georgina and Huntsville Ontario. I spent time in the woods and in canoes, the best places to reconnect with old friends and family. Prior to heading back home I spent a few weeks assisting on Swiftwater Rescue courses on the Clearwater, Raft, and Fraser rivers. Sharpening skills and learning as much as possible. Now I am skiing in Revelstoke, chasing snow and spending quality time in the mountains.