Recipe: Lunch 5 Glory Bowl

Lunch five on our expeditions is a constant favourite. Glory Bowls; a delicious, fresh and filling lunch is almost as good at home as it is deep in the Canyons of the Nahanni!


  • Cooked brown rice (425 g of raw) – 1500 ml
    (use 500 ml raw rice, with 1000 ml cold water) Place rice in water, bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer. Cover and cook for 25- 30 minutes. Should be “al dente” – remove from heat and let rest covered for 10 minutes. Fluff with a fork.
  • Fresh beets or red cabbage grated or finely sliced  – 3 cups
  • Carrots, julienned – 3
  • Almonds, toasted and chopped – 250 ml (160 g)
  • Chick peas (drained) – 400 ml can

Dressing: (warning – highly addictive! Sometimes referred to as “Hippie Crack”)

  • Nutritional yeast flakes – 120 ml (30 g)
  • Water – 80 ml
  • Soy sauce – 80 ml
  • Apple cider vinegar – 80 ml
  • Garlic cloves, minced – 3
  • Canola oil – 375 ml
  • Tahini paste – 30 ml


Combine all dressing ingredients and shake well.

In large mixing bowl-combine all ingredients and toss well. Just before serving, combine dressing with salad.

 * this recipe is from the popular “Whitewater” cookbooks.

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