
We’re committed to the environment

Conservation & Sustainable Tourism

Conservation and sustainable tourism practices are key to all we do. Over the last 30 years we have played leadership roles in some of the largest conservation campaigns in the world, resulting in wilderness preservation that will be a legacy for future generations.

We’re continually experimenting with and refining “Leave No Trace” camping practices. We’re an industry leader in this area and often create best practices that others have adopted.

We were among the first to use fireboxes on the rivers where we operate, and designed a customized backcountry firebox and we were among the first to begin carrying solid human waste out of the Tatshenshini and Alsek watershed.

We follow the Code of Conduct of the Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon (WTAY) and are avid supporters of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS). We also strongly adhere to all regulations concerning the treatment of artifacts, fossils, flora and fauna. As the saying goes, ‘Take only memories. Leave only footprints’.

Protecting the Tatshenshini-Alsek Rivers

In the early 1990s, the Tatshenshini-Alsek was designated one of the most threatened rivers in North America by American Rivers and the American River Management Society. As part of the protection effort, Canadian River Expeditions used company resources to take dozens of influential politicians, writers and artists down the river for free to let them experience the wild places that would be lost in the name of “progress.”

Rafting the Alsek River.

Protecting the South Nahanni River

For more than a decade Nahanni River Adventures provided leadership in the campaign to protect the Greater Nahanni Watershed, eventually creating one of the largest parks in the world. We mobilized clients, and participated as a speaker on the nation-wide tour, and even offered trips so CPAWS supporters could experience the majestic beauty for themselves!

Canoeing through Canada's deepest river canyons on the Nahanni River in Nahanni National Park Preserve.
Paddling through Canada’s deepest river canyons in Nahanni National Park Reserve.

Protecting the Peel Watershed

When many voices come together great things can be accomplished. Working with many partners over decades has provided an opportunity to see one of the world’s great wilderness areas protected. Most recently Canadian River Expeditions helped spur on thousands of passionate paddlers to demand the government set aside the majority of the watershed aside from development.

It is with immense pride that we celebrate one of the largest conservation victories in a generation: the protection of the Seven Sacred Rivers that comprise the Peel Watershed. The Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan—a plan that will largely protect the Peel for perpetuity—was officially signed by all of the parties at a ceremony in Mayo, Yukon Territory on August 22, 2019.

You can read more on this here:

Hikers Overlooking River
Spectacular view from one of many great hikes in the Peel Watershed.