Rich Swanson

I have been guiding for CRE/NRA for 23 years now, 28 years total, having worked also for White-water Adventures and Hyak. During that time I have had the privilege of guiding on the Nahanni, Tatshenshini, Alsek, Firth, Babine, Taku, Chilko, Chilcotin and Fraser Rivers, as well as the Colorado, South Thompson and Chilliwack Rivers.

My initial draw to river guiding was the chance to detach myself from modern life and society, and to explore the wilderness and wonders of Canada’s north.

My day job is as a High School Counsellor in my home of Comox, BC, where I reside with my wife Karen and our two daughters Stella and Sophie. I also work as a Guide/Instructor/Educator for youth wilderness programs. In my free time I can be found ski touring, mountaineering, skiing and ocean kayaking.