
Discover the North

Exploring the source of the Alsek River

When we think about our home in the Yukon, our minds inevitably turn to journeys upon the Alsek River and the Kluane National Park wilderness.

Its waters are steeped in myth and legend the ice clad landscape that stands above its headwaters is a wonder on its own!

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Bird Songs of the Nahanni

As the days grow long, the snowdrifts recede and the first hints of green appear in the trees, I let bird song wash over me, a spring baptism of sorts. We are on the same trajectory, these birds and I as we both prepare for our yearly pilgrimage to the Arctic.

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A Glacial Primer

These days there is much talk of glaciers. Chiefly because, from Kilimanjaro to the Antarctic, they are shrinking. This makes them all the more a “trophy” experience!

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The Tatshenshini River is one of the most magnificent river systems on earth, flowing through one of the world’s most pristine wilderness areas.

When is the best time to raft the Tatshenshini River?

Ranging from the rolling, forested hills of the Yukon interior to the towering coastal ranges of the Alaskan panhandle and blanketed with one of the most impressive icefields on the planet, the Tatshenshini river journeys through a uniquely diverse landscape. Add in its proximity to the Gulf of Alaska you are right to wonder when the best time to visit is!

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Canoeing the Broken Skull River

Tributaries of Nahanni National Park Reserve

Nahanni and Nááts’ihch’oh National Park Reserve encompass a watershed. Mostly undeveloped, rarely explored and spectacularly beautiful, each raindrop and snowflake is making its way through the South Nahanni watershed and into the Mackenzie river basin.

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A return to the Nahanni

Owner Joel Hibbard reflects on returning to the river he grew up on after a year away due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and how the time away only confirmed his passion for the Nahanni and its incredible ecology.

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What does Nahanni mean?

Nahanni is an evocative word. For many Canadians, whether you paddle or not, mentioning it summons images of the renowned Nailicho (Virginia Falls), of towering mountains, and a canyon kingdom. The word has become synonymous with adventure and wilderness. It is one of the finest representations of natural beauty in Canada.

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