

Thank you Nadine!

It is with no little sadness that we wish Expedition Planner Nadine well on a new adventure but know that she is leaving us all in good hands! We are so proud of you and know that your next steps will make our community a better place. We will miss you Nadine!

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2019 Guide Gossip

Our guides lead pretty interesting lives. Read our 2019 guides gossip to learn what our guides have been up to this year.

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Bison by Broken Skull River

Wood Bison in the Spotlight

Learn about the NWT’s wood bison herds along the Nahanni from CBC Naturalist Brian Keating. This species-at-risk is coming back due to efforts to reintroduce populations to the territory.

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Paddle People: Neil Hartling

Neil Hartling remains a committed proponent of northern tourism. He believes it not only brings economic and social benefits to native communities, but encourages an ever-growing constituency of eco-advocates in the populous south.

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2013 Guides Gossip

Our guides lead pretty interesting lives. Read our 2013 guides gossip to learn what our guides have been up to this year.

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