
Rafting the Alsek River

Renowned for large rapids, Himalaya-like mountain valleys and glaciers, the Alsek is a wilderness treasure unlike any other – including the Tatshenshini.

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Discoveries on Nunaluk Spit on the Firth River.

Finding Mammoths on the Firth River

Nunaluk Spit is a place unlike any other. Here, the Firth River meets the least-explored ocean on our planet: the Arctic Ocean, a place where the intensity and vibrancy of the North never disappoints.

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Peregrine Falcon on the Firth River

Raptors Thrive on the Firth

On a recent expedition to the Firth River we marvelled at the robust populations of birds of prey in the region, a heartening sign of a healthy ecosystem. This journey was one of our Rafting with Researchers expeditions, where guests are treated to the firsthand expertise of Parks Canada researchers.

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Exploring the source of the Alsek River

When we think about our home in the Yukon, our minds inevitably turn to journeys upon the Alsek River and the Kluane National Park wilderness.

Its waters are steeped in myth and legend the ice clad landscape that stands above its headwaters is a wonder on its own!

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