
Discover the North

In Our Element

As we settle into our fall routine in the North full of gear maintenance and gathering firewood I often find my mind returning to some of the sublime moments of seasons past. Those points in time where my senses were fully engaged and a point in time became seared in my mind; these are moments both profound and ordinary in the wilds of the Nahanni watershed.

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A Guide’s Review of Nahanni: River of Forgiveness

Nahanni River of Forgiveness is a journey through a magnificent landscape. It’s a search for forgiveness and reconciliation for what has happened to the people and to the land. It’s about the spiritual power of nature to heal the soul and a tribute to the resilience and steadfastness of the Dene.

The team at Nahanni River Adventures was fortunate to be a part of its creation and Joel was happy to share this thoughts when he caught a sneak peak a few months ago!

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Cave Discovery on the Yukon’s Alsek River

While we have been exploring the Alsek river and learning its intricacies for decades, there is always something new to discover and 2020 was no different! There was rumour of a cave system in the lower river valley and that was enough to set us off on the search.

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Virginia Falls on the Nahanni River

Albert Faille: A Nahanni River Icon

The legends that surround the Nahanni River never feel more alive than when we are on the river. But for some of our guests the connection with the past is much more tangible! Dive in as guest, explorer and naturalist George W. Scotter shares his memories of connecting with Albert Faille during the original survey for the establishment of Nahanni National Park Reserve!

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Cycling NWT backroads

Cycling on Backroads of the Nahanni Watershed

At the end of the operating season, Dana and I were both in the South Nahanni watershed though heading different directions. She would experience the late-season autumnal glory in the Canyons leading our last raft expedition through an incredible contrast of boreal colour against the Nahanni’s grey limestone and dolomite walls. With nights of aurora in store and a stunning display in Deadmen Valley, I was right to be envious of her expedition but I had one of my own in the works.

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Rafting the Mountain River in Canada's Northwest Territories.

A Wild Mountain River Journey

A tributary to the majestic Mackenzie, don’t let the classification fool you, the Mountain River is an important waterway in its own right and a spectacular journey for adventurous paddlers, by raft or canoe!

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Visit the Arctic

An Arctic Community: Fort Good Hope

Joel visits Rádeyı̨lı̨kóé in the Sahtu region of the Northwest Territories to learn about the region and its history. The K’asho Got’ine Dene have called the mountains and waters of the Sahtu home for millenia and with some new protections afforded to the region, the future of Fa?fa Neline (Mountain River) is looking bright!

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