
Alsek River

Exploring the source of the Alsek River

When we think about our home in the Yukon, our minds inevitably turn to journeys upon the Alsek River and the Kluane National Park wilderness.

Its waters are steeped in myth and legend the ice clad landscape that stands above its headwaters is a wonder on its own!

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Rafting the Alsek River

Renowned for large rapids, Himalaya-like mountain valleys and glaciers, the Alsek is a wilderness treasure unlike any other – including the Tatshenshini.

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A Glacial Primer

These days there is much talk of glaciers. Chiefly because, from Kilimanjaro to the Antarctic, they are shrinking. This makes them all the more a “trophy” experience!

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Cave Discovery on the Yukon’s Alsek River

While we have been exploring the Alsek river and learning its intricacies for decades, there is always something new to discover and 2020 was no different! There was rumour of a cave system in the lower river valley and that was enough to set us off on the search.

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