

The horrific revelation that 215 indigenous youth rest at the site of a supposed educational institution in Tk’əmlúps (Kamloops, BC)

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Thank you Nadine!

It is with no little sadness that we wish Expedition Planner Nadine well on a new adventure but know that she is leaving us all in good hands! We are so proud of you and know that your next steps will make our community a better place. We will miss you Nadine!

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Cave Discovery on the Yukon’s Alsek River

While we have been exploring the Alsek river and learning its intricacies for decades, there is always something new to discover and 2020 was no different! There was rumour of a cave system in the lower river valley and that was enough to set us off on the search.

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Virginia Falls on the Nahanni River

Albert Faille: A Nahanni River Icon

The legends that surround the Nahanni River never feel more alive than when we are on the river. But for some of our guests the connection with the past is much more tangible! Dive in as guest, explorer and naturalist George W. Scotter shares his memories of connecting with Albert Faille during the original survey for the establishment of Nahanni National Park Reserve!

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Giving Back To The Wild

At Nahanni River Adventures/Canadian River Expeditions, it is our passion and a privilege to share vast wilderness areas with our guests. With privilege comes great responsibility and, as a company, we do not take the opportunity and obligation we have to steward and safeguard the areas through which we travel each summer lightly.

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Cycling NWT backroads

Cycling on Backroads of the Nahanni Watershed

At the end of the operating season, Dana and I were both in the South Nahanni watershed though heading different directions. She would experience the late-season autumnal glory in the Canyons leading our last raft expedition through an incredible contrast of boreal colour against the Nahanni’s grey limestone and dolomite walls. With nights of aurora in store and a stunning display in Deadmen Valley, I was right to be envious of her expedition but I had one of my own in the works.

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