
Bison by Broken Skull River

Wood Bison in the Spotlight

Learn about the NWT’s wood bison herds along the Nahanni from CBC Naturalist Brian Keating. This species-at-risk is coming back due to efforts to reintroduce populations to the territory.

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Visit the Arctic

An Arctic Community: Fort Good Hope

Joel visits Rádeyı̨lı̨kóé in the Sahtu region of the Northwest Territories to learn about the region and its history. The K’asho Got’ine Dene have called the mountains and waters of the Sahtu home for millenia and with some new protections afforded to the region, the future of Fa?fa Neline (Mountain River) is looking bright!

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Paddle People: Neil Hartling

Neil Hartling remains a committed proponent of northern tourism. He believes it not only brings economic and social benefits to native communities, but encourages an ever-growing constituency of eco-advocates in the populous south.

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