

Nahanni River

Join us on an incredible journey down the Nahanni River – truly the icon of Canadian wilderness rivers. The Nahanni flows

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Rafters on the Tatshenshini River, which flows through the Yukon, B.C., Alaska, Glacier Bay National Park, Alsek/Tatshenshini Provincial Park, out to the Gulf of Alaska.

Tatshenshini River

Join us for rafting expeditions on the Tatshenshini River – one of the most magnificent river systems on earth, flowing through

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Alsek River

Join us on an incredible rafting journey down the Alsek River, voted by guides as the wildest river in North

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Firth River Rafting in Canada's Yukon Territory

Firth River

Join us on an incredible rafting journey down the Firth River for an enchanting, scenic passage to the arctic tundra

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Canoe in rapids on the broken skull river

Broken Skull River

Join us on an incredible canoeing adventure down the Broken Skull river-this unique and remote tributary of the Nahanni river

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Coppermine River

Retrace the steps of John Franklin as you raft or canoe down the Coppermine River, a remote and beautiful arctic

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Mountain River

The Mountain River is considered a world-class wilderness river by paddling enthusiasts for it’s challenging whitewater and stunning northern setting.

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Wind River

Join us on a canoeing adventure down the Wind River in Yukon, Canada – an arctic mountain river known for

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Snake River

Join us on an incredible rafting or canoeing adventure down the Snake River, which is renowned for its remote beauty,

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Canoeists navigating rapids amidst towering limestone cliffs on the Horton River, with Peregrine and Gyrfalcons taking flight.

Horton River

Join us on a canoeing adventure on the Horton River. This large but gentle river flows through the tundra as

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Stikine River

Join us on a canoeing adventure down the Stikine River in British Columbia – boasting vast glaciated mountains, icebergs, hot

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